50% of all work-related ill health in 2020/21 was work-related stress, depression, or anxiety
Packed with hints, tips and guidance from HR experts, this free event guarantees to equip you with essential inside knowledge in just a few short hours. Knowledge that could make a real difference to your company’s wellbeing and performance.
Learning to adapt is key to business success, so make sure you get it right first time.
Join us to find out:
- What is Mental Health?
- Protecting the mental health of your staff
- Signs of poor mental health
- Managing Staff with Mental Health Issues
- Managing Absence
- Mental Health First Aiders
It's completely free for business owners and directors and there's no obligation to you or your business.
Places are limited to 2 places per company, registrations required.
Partner Event - Croner - Mental Health Seminar - Exclusive for Associations
12th October, 2022 - 09:30