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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation
Team REC is working round to the clock to bring timely advice and support for our members and our industry. As part of our COVID-19 response efforts, we’ve launched a webinar series titled ‘Fit for the New Dawn’ aimed at recruitment business owners to help you navigate these uncertain times effectively. These webinars are free-to-attend for all, and through our series of blogs, we aim to bring you snapshots of these comprehensive practical sessions. Developed and delivered by recruiters and business mentors who are already helping recruiters through the current uncertainty, this week’s webinar will be themed around the primary challenges you are facing, such as protecting your business, managing your cashflow and identifying cash generating activities. You’ll get plenty of opportunities to ask questions to our speakers during the webinar. Additional information and guidance on Coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found on our dedicated hub here. Speakers: Paul Jacobs & Howard Greenwood – LoveWorkLife Dave Pye & Bradley Placks - ToAugment

Covid-19 and managing its impact on cashflow

2nd April, 2020 - 10:00