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Document C2 - Conduct Regulations opt out notice (for use with Contracts 9 and 10)
MS WordYou can use this document when working with limited company contractors who want to opt out of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 or the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2005 (the Conduct Regulations).
You can’t use this for contactors who will be working with children or vulnerable adults as they are not able to opt out of the Conduct Regulations.
You can use this with the following REC documents:
- Contract 9 - Private Sector (Outside IR35): Opted out of the Conduct Regulations (For the Client)
- Contract 10 - Private Sector (Outside IR35): Opted out of the Conduct Regulations (For the Limited Company)
- Contract 9A - Public Sector (Outside IR35): Opted out of the Conduct Regulations (For the Client)
- Contract 10A - Public Sector (Outside IR35): Opted out of the Conduct Regulations (For the Limited Company)