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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

"Thanks to temp work I can chase my Hollywood dream." 

Temp worker, Masters student – and shining star! 

Ikenna   Case study image

Ikenna is studying for his Masters in screenwriting to pursue his dream career. One day he wants to work in the global film industry. He’s already had some success in Nollywood, and now he is aiming to hit the big time in London and Hollywood, just like his idol Aaron Sorkin! 

While studying, Ikenna still needs to pay the rent, do food shopping, and cover all those life essentials. He needs to pay the bills.  

So Ikenna is a temp worker. 

Currently, he is on assignment, working as a cleaner in a university via an agency. He accepts that it isn’t the most glamourous of jobs right now – albeit essential in the service it provides - but it gives Ikenna what he needs. With the help of an agency he’s found work easier to come across and the flexibility he gets from temping means he can fit it in around his studies and the reading and writing he needs to do to pursue his passion. 

If anything, Ikenna wishes he could do even more hours – but as an international student, he is limited to 20 hours of paid work per week. But he could do more than that and wants to. As with most Masters programmes, a large element of the course is self-directed study which he can manage.

Coming to the UK was a big step for Ikenna – he is originally from Nigeria – and it took time to find his feet. Even though he’d identified the course he wanted to do and been accepted on that, it took another 4 to 5 months to figure out how to get work. Then, a friend told him that the best way to find flexible work was via an agency. Ikenna hasn't looked back since. 

The agency looks after all the logistics and compliance requirements, and Ikenna finds it easy to identify the work he can do in and around his other responsibilities. Life is made easier as he can book shifts and complete timesheets, using the agency’s app. 

To say that Ikenna is dedicated would be an understatement. Currently he makes the decision to work first thing in the morning – he starts at 5am and finishes at 9am. And the rest of the day is his to do as he chooses – and Ikenna chooses to focus on his writing, his studying and chasing his Hollywood dream. 

Listening to Ikenna, we learnt about how temping isn’t just a lifestyle choice for him.  

For Ikenna, temp work works - definitely. 

The remarkable ones