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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

The REC EU Referendum Debate

Government and campaigns

Tom Hadley avatar

Written by Tom Hadley Director of Policy and Campaigns

The debate around the UK’s membership of the EU is hotting up as the PM’s renegotiation package is announced. The outcome of the referendum could have significant implications for the UK’s business landscape, for our jobs market and for our industry.

On February 24th the REC is facilitating an open and informed debate to ensure that the recruitment industry is asking ourselves the right questions.

The Prime Minister’s push for an agreement has focused on four key areas of reform:

  • protecting the single market for Britain and other countries outside the eurozone
  • boosting competitiveness by cutting the ‘burden’ of regulation on business
  • ending Britain’s obligation to work towards an ‘ever closer union’  
  • restricting benefits for EU migrants.

Our own specific calls for reform include completing the single market for services by removing latent barriers to doing business across the EU, avoiding future large-scale regulatory ‘impositions’ and repositioning EU activities around jobs, growth and global competiveness.

As well as monitoring the renegotiation process and the outcome of the next European Council meeting on February 19th, we are keen to get feedback from as many REC members as possible. Recruiters who are currently active in another EU country – for example,  sourcing EU candidates, placing UK workers into other countries or having an office in another EU country – will need to take a view on what a ‘Brexit’ might mean for their own business. Would this jeopardise business interests, or would the possibility of bilateral trade agreements offer suitable or better alternatives?

REC members who have no direct involvement with the EU will also need to reflect on how the referendum outcome might impact key clients (either positively or negatively) as well as the overall jobs market and economy.

In summary, here are some of the questions we need to be asking in the run-up to the EU Referendum:

  • What would a ‘Brexit’ mean for your business?
  • How would your clients be affected?
  • How can you engage your staff and clients in the run-up to the referendum?
  • What specific EU reforms would make a positive difference?
  • What would be the impact if free movement of workers (both in and out of the UK) was restricted?
  • Would leaving the EU hinder access to key skills and talent?

Our immediate priority is to continue facilitating open and informed discussions within the REC membership – including our ‘EU Debate’ at REC HQ on February 24th - and to encourage members to consider the implications of the different scenarios for their business. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, it is crucial to ensure that the practical implications for the UK jobs market are taken into account. The practical insight from REC members will have a crucial role to play here.

Your input and feedback on the EU Referendum and the implications for our recruitment business can be sent on an ongoing basis to:

The REC’s ‘EU Debate’ on February 24th will be an opportunity to hear both sides of the argument, to raise questions and to share your views – get your tickets now and have your say.