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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Sir Simon Stevens Trying to Make Agencies Scapegoats for NHS Trusts' Financial Difficulties - REC

Press releases

Responding to accusations made by the CEO of NHS England, Sir Simon Stevens, on today's Andrew Marr Show that agencies were 'ripping off' the NHS, Tom Hadley, Director of Policy at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, the professional body for the recruitment industry in the UK says:

“Agencies are not 'ripping off' the NHS. The overwhelming majority of NHS trusts manage their agency spend through framework agreements which cap prices. Rates are negotiated by central government  and recruitment agencies must adhere to them. By not acknowledging the existence of these agreements, and that it is trusts who sometimes decide not to operate through them, it almost sounds like Sir Simon is trying to make our members scapegoats for the financial difficulties some parts of the NHS are finding themselves in.

“Poor workforce planning has left the NHS short of nurses, and although they are advertising they can’t find people willing to take on jobs as permanent employees.  They then turn to agencies that can provide nurses at the last minute or on short to medium term contracts to ensure safe staffing levels are maintained.

“What he doesn’t mention is that many agency nurses have previously had long careers as NHS employees but because of pay freezes, poor management and inflexible schedules have decided it suits them better to seek work via agencies who can help them find shifts that fit round their family life and allow them to work where and when they choose.

“Pay will vary depending on experience and skill set but generally speaking a Band 5 agency nurse will earn £20-£25 per hour and an agency will charge a fee to the trust of between 10-20 per cent to cover the costs of finding, vetting and supplying the skilled nurses they need.”