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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

New REC Council Members Elected to Champion the Industry

Press releases


Six members were elected to the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) council today at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).


The four non-executive directors elected today to represent corporate members are:


  • Gary Irvine, Managing Director, 4c Executive Search (re-elected)
  • Aidan Anglin, Director, DP Connect Ltd
  • Kathleen Smith, Managing Director, Serocor Group  
  • Allena Clarke, Operations Manager, Westray Recruitment Consultants


The two non-executive directors elected today to represent Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP) members are: 


  • Neeti Gupta, Managing Director, BD Consult (re-elected) 
  • Mark Edwards, Operations Director, Matchtech


REC Chief Executive Kevin Green said:


“As the professional body for the industry in the UK the REC has achieved major success over the last year. In 2015 we helped more than 1,500 recruiters gain professional qualifications, we dealt with 42,000 queries via our contact centre, we hosted 39 sector meetings and webinars, and we published a multitude of guides and research designed to help recruiters do what they do best. Alongside this, during the last year we’ve launched Jobs transform lives, a new industry message which promotes the positive impact our members have on individuals, businesses and the economy.


“It’s also good news that the REC is financially strong so it can continue to support the industry. Since 2010 over £1 million has gone into reserves so that the REC has £1.6 million on its balance sheet, while also investing in improvements to member services. We are stewards of an important institution and we want the REC to thrive and fight for the industry for another 80 years and beyond.”   


REC Chair Simon Noakes said:


“Our council is at the heart of these achievements and sets the strategic direction for our organisation on behalf of the industry. I’m delighted to welcome our new non-executive directors, all of whom bring the passion and experience needed to help us kick on and deliver even more value for REC members.”




Notes to editors:


  1. The REC council consists of up to 17 directors who are representatives of corporate members and up to seven directors who are representatives of individual members of the IRP, appointed either by the membership at the AGM of the REC or by the council itself during the course of the year as vacancies arise. One quarter of the directors will stand down each year at the AGM, and any member can be nominated for election, in accordance with the articles.
  2. Using online voting, 3.4% of recruitment businesses in REC membership voted for their preferred candidates to fill corporate non-executive director positions on the board, and 4.9% of members of the Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP) voted for candidates to represent the IRP as individual non-executive directors.