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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Top 4 Reasons Recruiters Should Vote in the REC Elections

Your recruitment career

Kate Phillips avatar

Written by Kate Phillips

Hey, recruiter! Sitting there, minding your own business, contemplating life in the greatest industry on the planet. C’mere a second, I want a word.

There’s talk going around about an election. It’s not the kind of election where you’ll see flat top haircuts in blue, red, and yellow ties kissing babies. But it’s one that could change the shape of your career.

The REC council election—no, wait, come back. This is really important and worth your time. Jobs are hot on people’s lips. Recruitment will continue to shape how the UK gets back to work, and the REC council is the grease that keeps that wheel turning.

Here are four reasons why you – yes, you – should vote in this year’s elections:

1) You need to be informed. No, seriously, you do.
You’re whip-smart, busy as anything, and on the cutting edge of recruitment. You understand market fluctuations, and where those nebulous things called “jobs” live. But that isn’t enough.

For a full perspective on the industry, you need to know how your representative body fits within it. The REC council defines recruitment policy and its influence carries tremendous weight.

Do you want to vote for a director whose ideas and drive reflects where you want your focus? Of course you do. It could be the difference between filling your books with candidates or scribbles.

Pick a candidate who gets how it works, and you can’t do that without the full information.

It’s worth seeing where each candidate stands, what they’ve done, and where they’re going

2) The REC council makes you look good
The benefit of being an IRP member is you always have someone behind you who works for your interests. Everything the REC council does is predicated on two principles:

a) To be the voice of the industry. b) To professionalise the industry.

Demanding high standards assures confidence in that industry. Confidence is lucrative. Employers and candidates can be sure their interests are taken care of by the best. That assurance manifests itself into money.

The REC council sets the bar for the recruitment industry. Its ruthless pursuit of quality ensures the industry is pressing sharp and looking good – always.

3) The REC council works for every sector
The REC council is a cosmopolitan mix of people from all kinds of industries. It enjoys the benefits of a unique set of skills and experiences.

The REC lobbies on behalf of all sectors, so it’s imperative it has the right people with the right backgrounds.

If you want your sector represented, all you have to do is vote.

4) David Cameron’s five-year performance review is coming up…
…also known as the 2015 general election.

The UK economy is showing signs of recovery. A recent REC Jobs Outlook reported that 8/10 employers planned to take on new permanent staff in the next 12 months.

While the full brunt of the recession has passed, employment is still going to define who governs the country up to 2020.

The REC meets with MPs and government officials on a regular basis. It is the voice of the industry and has the ear of those in Westminster.

It’s vital we have the right mix advocating on your behalf to those in power. The unique perspective each candidate brings will shape how the REC engages with government. By choosing who you want to represent your interests on behalf of the industry, you’ll be able to have an influence on the REC and IRP’s approaches to government.

So what are you waiting for? It will only take a moment, and will have a massive impact on the future of your industry. All you have to do is click here to vote. It'll be over before you know it. Promise.