Ten Things Everyone Waiting for Exam Results is Thinking
Your recruitment career
It's that time again! 298 students who sat their IRP exams in August are receiving their results today.
We take a fun look at what may be going through your head this morning...
1. You wake up. For a moment, everything seems normal
2. Then you realise what day it is
3. It's results day!
4. The fear kicks in
5. You overthink every answer you gave
6. You start regretting going out for a drink instead of another night of studying
7. Everyone keeps asking if you've got your results yet
8. You’re not sure you actually want to open the results envelope when it arrives
9. You start panicking that your dream career path is about to crash and burn
10. But at the end of the day, you know you’ll be fine
Congratulations to everyone getting results today! Don't forget to send us in your #Certfie on Twitter or Instagram so we can celebrate with you.
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