Six Ways to Keep Your Energy Up at Work
Your recruitment career
It's the last week before the Christmas break. The office is emptying, the work is slowing down...but you're still working.
While you may be counting down the hours until your break, it's a great time to put habits in place to help you keep up your energy at work - and set yourself up for carrying these into the new year when it's equally as hard to stay focused after a Christmas break.
To get you on track, we've pulled together six simple tips that can help keep your energy up at work:
Get moving
Yes, it's cold outside, but one of the most effective ways to boost energy is through exercise. Try not to let your fitness habits slip in the cold weather. Whether you head out for a brisk walk on your lunch break, or find a nearby gym class, exercise can increase the flow of oxygen to your brain and help with tiredness. Plus, it's great for mental health too. Even if you walk to the next tube stop, or get off the bus a stop early on your way to work, it all helps.
Tidy up
When you're surrounded by a messy desk, studies have shown it can have a negative effect on your productivity and energy levels. Why not take the time every morning to have a quick sort of any mess surrounding your work environment, and see if you feel better for it. We think you will.
Absorb some vitamin D
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a real thing, and it can definitely have a negative effect on your energy levels. We don't see a lot of the sun in winter, and it's especially hard to get that crucial vitamin D when we're inside an office before the sun properly appears, and leave after it goes down. Try and head out for a little walk in your lunch-break to embrace the sunshine if you can.
Snack wisely (most of the time)
What you put in your body plays an important role in maintaining energy levels. Christmas is the prime time when snacking wisely challenges us all - whether that cheeky box of mince pies which always appears in the kitchen, or the tub of Celebrations, there's glorious food left, right and centre. But, picking this option can lead to an energy crash later in the day. Try alternative a handful of almonds, rice-cakes or some seeds which slowly release energy and won't make you crash.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration iss one of the top reasons we can feel tired, and it's a simple fix! Keep a large water bottle on your desk to remind yourself to consistently sip. Challenge yourself to keep on track by drawing lines on the bottle and matching it - for example, you need to finish half of it before lunch, three quarters of it by 3pm and so on. It's a way to make drinking water interesting!
Don't be afraid to take a break
If it's all getting a bit much, there's no harm in taking a few minutes out to have a walk around the office, make yourself and your colleagues a tea, or even watch a funny cat video on YouTube. Giving yourself short, regular breaks will help you stay motivated for completing your tasks for the day and can help you stay away from burning out.
If you follow these simple tips, you'll be setting yourself up for a great start to the new year.
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