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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

National Apprenticeship Week - Jon's Story

Your recruitment career

Kate Phillips avatar

Written by Kate Phillips

It's day two of our National Apprenticeship Week 2016 celebrations!

Remember to take a look at our brand new apprenticeships infographic here, or pin it on Pinterest.

Today's apprenticeship story is from Jon Bryan, who works at Jonathan Lee Recruitment.

Jon Bryan quote

What interested you in becoming an apprentice in recruitment?

Being new to the recruitment industry after 25 years in manufacturing, I thought it would be a good way for me pick up how the industry works more quickly than just with on the job training.

What do you enjoy most about being an apprentice working in recruitment?

With my previous roles in manufacturing being somewhat monotonous, I've found the variation in daily tasks very inspiring. That coupled with working with a really focused team of individuals is the most enjoyable aspect.

What's the number one thing you've learned while undertaking your apprenticeship?

That planning is the key to success. Plan your day and week so you know what you want to achieve, be it how many submittals or business development activities. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

What kind of goals do you have for your career?

Having worked my way up from the shop floor to management in my previous industry, I am determined to move through the ranks within recruitment and reach the role of manager at some point. That said, I do enjoy the consultant role.

What one thing would you tell yourself if you were just starting out?

There is no set plan to succeed. Everyone does recruitment slightly differently, so just go with what works for yourself and keep both candidates and clients happy.

Would you recommend an apprenticeship in recruitment to others?

Definitely. It's helped me through my first 9 months in recruitment, especially on the history and background to the industry, which I'd not necessarily have picked up other than doing the apprenticeship.

Make sure you share Jon's story with your followers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn using the hashtags #NAW2016 and #iloverecruitment!

Find out more about our recruitment apprenticeships here.