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Interview: Laura Garratt, Account Manager at Chefs Jobs UK

Your recruitment career

Kate Phillips avatar

Written by Kate Phillips

Laura Garratt is an account manager at Chefs Jobs UK and our most recent #Certfie competition winner.

In the September edition, Recruitment Matters spoke to Laura to find out a little more about her.

Laura Garratt image Chefs Jobs UK

How did you get into recruitment?

I’m from a hospitality background, and I love dealing with people. I’m highly competitive and I love learning, so I like that I have a job that involves those things but is intrinsically involved in an industry that I’m interested in.

What do you enjoy about your job?

Not everything’s the same - you're always wanting to go out and win business. It’s just a case of wanting to do the best that speaks to me. You’re always wanting to do more and push yourself, whether it's learning a new skill or anything else.

What’s your role at Chefs Jobs?

I'm part of a fantastic team. I recruit chefs on a temp basis, from everything from sous to head, from Kent to north of Yorkshire - we work all over.

What are you noticing in your sector right now?

There is a huge chef shortage nationwide, so we're seeing a high demand. We’re in the height of summer and everyone's going out to eat and drink. The chef shortage is making it difficult at the moment but you're always really busy. Chefs Jobs is on track for a record year having just put up a record quarter.

How did you find the Level 3 Cert RP in Recruitment Practice?

It was really enjoyable. You get to know the theory behind your day to day job and that backs up what you're doing. It shows what you're doing is correct and gives you a great insight into what's going on. It’s taken my role to the next level.

What would you say to yourself on your very first day?

Be honest - you'll have a lot of balls in the air, go on and keep pushing and keep in touch with candidates. You need to keep up those relationships. Don't leave one of them behind.

You can read back issues of Recruitment Matters here.

If you'd like to find out more about joining Laura as a Level 3 Certificate in Recruitment Practice qualified recruiter, there's more information here.

And, we've extended the deadline for the 2016 IRP Awards. Don't miss out on your chance to win. IRP members can enter the individual categories free of charge. Enter here.