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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

An Industry Award Can Do Wonders for You and Your Employer

Your recruitment career

Kate Phillips avatar

Written by Kate Phillips

There is more to winning awards than a glamorous night out – you can achieve significant long-term benefits without having to increase your PR or marketing budget. Sounds exciting? Here’s how you do it.

The name on everyone’s lips…

It’s not like winning an Oscar and being plastered over the daily rag, but from an industry perspective entering an award submission means that a panel of judges or high-profile industry representatives will see your best work. A good submission can bring you and your business to the attention of the right people, even if you don’t win.

Being highly commended or shortlisted is also a testament to a job well done, so make sure you use it to your full advantage. Let the world know you are a ‘highly commended recruitment business of the year’ or ‘shortlisted best candidate experience 2014’.

Remember all the free promotion that comes with being on the shortlist for an award: credits on the organiser’s website, printed collateral, and presence at the evening itself. As an award winner, there are great free promotional opportunities: Not only will you get all of the above, you will be presented with an accolade in front of your peers.

That’s not to mention the full post-event promotional follow ups - interviews, photo opportunities, blogs and mentions by industry press.

Planting seeds and helping them grow

Have you ever heard the saying that networking is not about hunting—it’s about farming and cultivating relationships? What better place to cultivate relationships then your industry awards, the best of the best in one place exchanging ideas and innovations. Make the most of your new found profile and build bigger, better, stronger relationships. After all, “If you are your authentic self, you have no competition”.

Every day I grow a little taller…

Signing a new client can make you feel good for a time, but winning an award can be a huge confidence boost that stays on your CV forever. You can change your signature to ‘Award winner 2014’ and update your LinkedIn profile. Increasing your career confidence can encourage you to go above and beyond the norm achieving more and impressing the bosses while you’re at it!

Stay tuned on how to enter into the 2014 IRP Awards and write an award winning submission

A blog from the IRP Team
