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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

How to Nail Your IRP Awards Entry

Your recruitment career

Kate Phillips avatar

Written by Kate Phillips

IRP Awards

Thinking of entering the IRP Awards, but don't know where to start?

We're here to help you out!

IRP members can enter the individual categories free of charge, and it's a fantastic chance to showcase your excellent work and mark yourself as one of the brightest in recruitment.

This year, we're making things easier. You can enter online by simply filling in our online form, unique for each category.

Before you start planning your entry, here are our top four tips to really get it right:

1. First things first: read the criteria of the category/ies you wish to enter very carefully.

Every category naturally requires you to answer and provide evidence of different things. Do you need to provide tangible evidence of how much you've billed? Do you need specific examples of candidate's you've helped place into their dream role? Think about what you need to include carefully, and don't miss anything out.

2. Answer in full, but be succinct.

Each question has a 500 word limit, and while it is a guideline, that should be all you need. Clear, concise answers are recommended. Bullet points are your friend.

3. Include supporting documents. 

These are the backbone of your entry, so make sure you include all the supporting information that's requested. Whether it's a candidate or client testimonial, or a testimonial from a colleague or manager, it's important to include to show the judges the evidence behind your entry.

4. Upload good quality images

At the end of the entry form you’ll be asked to upload a high-resolution company logo and an individual or team photo (depending on your category). These may be used in awards materials and are a reflection of your organisation - so make sure you do include them - we want to include them and celebrate you and your hard work!

These are simple tips, but can go a long way in making sure your entry is the best it can be.

Find out more about the IRP Awards and enter now here.