Scottish Government’s economic strategy vital to Covid response
Government and campaigns
During the pandemic, the REC has been close to Governments across the UK as we support recruiters across their market. In Scotland, the different tactics in re-opening the economy and the pace at which restrictions have been applied make a separate approach from us absolutely necessary, building on the work of David Creighton, our National Account Manager in Scotland.
Feedback from the First Minister’s team
So far in 2020, that has meant raising member concerns and questions directly with the First Minister’s team. While the initial pandemic response from the Scottish Government attracted media praise, a number of members raised concerns with us about the business focus of the Government – worried that while public health messaging has been robust, the importance of keeping the economy going wasn’t cutting through. With some workplaces closed in Scotland longer than in other parts of the UK, a caution about returning to economic activity was causing issues for many members.
The REC in Scotland has been discussing how to tackle this with the FM’s team. In our discussions, we have focussed on three key points:
- Greater clarity from politicians that keeping the economy moving is a key part of their strategy – perhaps with more business-specific messaging at press briefings
- Confidence-building activity designed to emphasise that returning to Covid-secure workplaces has huge benefits while protecting workers, and
- Further work to ensure businesses are clear on when changes will be made to controls in advance, by sharing the Government’s decision-making process.
We’ve had positive discussions with the Government on all these points – but we’ll also need to keep working at it. We’re expecting to see more on the Government’s roadmap later in October – let’s hope for a bigger focus on business in the weeks to come, including necessary financial support where sectors are shut down or struggling. Areas like business rates and rent support remain critical.
Vitally, members report that many workers are taking a cautious approach to returning to workplaces and taking up roles based on their perception of the Government’s position. A more robust line in support of Covid-secure operations will help to get more activity going where public health rules allow it.
Working with DWP
Away from Covid controls and business support, our team in Scotland are also looking at how members can underpin business while helping to tackle rising unemployment.
Firstly, DWP in Scotland have been in touch directly to ask if we will host a joint (virtual) roundtable with them to discuss how we can bring public and private employment services together to work on this vital agenda. If you work in Scotland and would like to attend this meeting – let David know.
Secondly, a number of Tier 1 providers for the Job Entry: Targeted Support (JETS) scheme have contacted us asking whether members would be interested in taking part. If you are, contact us and we will link you up!
The REC is here to help recruiters in Scotland with key issues at Scottish, UK and international levels. If you want to know more – just get in touch!
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