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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Mental well-being at home - Mastery

Your recruitment career

When we are thinking about mastery, we’re pulling together all the things that we have already spoken about. This is mastering your resilience strategy.

Doing this will help you overcome obstacles, calibrate your performance for success and you will not be surprised there are three principles to this, as there has been for every other element here.

First principle is Growth Mindset. This is about knowing you have the ability to deal with setbacks and safely and gently stretching your capabilities to grow and enhance your resilience.

That’s principle one, Growth Mindset. Principle two is about Goal Setting and this is going to be a really important part of what you do from now on.

Identifying what you want in life. What you want professionally and personally? Set goals, push your boundaries. Again, safely and gently, expanding your ability to cope.

The third element is about creating flow. So, principle three is Creating Flow.

You’re engaging in work that is absorbing; it’s got to be a safe and comfortable way of pushing your boundaries once again.

The exercise that I want you to do now, is going to take you a bit of time. You are going to write down what your goals are. I want you to think in threes again.

Next week, what are your goals for next week? Next year, what are your goals for the next year? And the next decade? Many people over-estimate what they can get done in one year and under-estimate what they can get done in a decade.

Once you’ve got your goals listed, highlight your top three. Your top three goals that you have identified out of this list. Now write down a plan of how you are going to achieve those. Determine what the success metrics are and then please, finally date them. Now you have a plan.

A lot of my principles have been developed through the next book recommendation. It’s Ray Dalio’s Principles and it is a business book. The first half of it, is a story about his life, but the second half is how he develops principles for success in any area of life. I really do want you to consider this particular book.

This blog is part of a series about Mental well-being at home. You can view the entire playlist on YouTube, listen via Soundcloud or read the other entries by navigating below.

Working from home - Confidence - Mindset - Positivity - Versatility - Endurance - Mastery