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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation
Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire County Council

As a local authority we take on a wide range of roles, whether we are providing specialist care and support to the most vulnerable in our communities, or championing Warwickshire as a choice for business through our work to promote economic growth and innovation. We are one of the largest employers in Warwickshire and home to over 1/2million residents.

Warwickshire is famous the world over as Shakespeare’s county— but that’s only half the story. We’re also vibrant and modern. One of the fastest growing commercial regions in the UK, we’re home to many leading companies and developing exciting opportunities for everyone who lives and works here.

An attractive place to live and work, Warwickshire offers great countryside together with good road and rail links to the West Midlands and London. We have a strong flexible working culture which is critical to the delivery of high quality and value for money services to our residents. Wherever possible we will offer working arrangements that match the flexible needs of individuals and positively welcome applications from candidates interested in jobs on a job share or other flexible basis.

For more information on Warwickshire County Council and the roles they recruit for, click here.

Warwickshire County Council

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Business Sectors

  • Public administration & defence