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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

The Public Sector People Managers' Association, PPMA, is the voice and association for Human Resources and Organisational Development professionals working within the public sector.

PPMA will continuously strive to enhance, promote and raise the standards of people management and development within public services. The PPMA will provide a single voice to represent the views and interests of the Human Resources (HR) and Organisational Development (OD) professions and will ensure that through membership of the Association that clear understanding about the requirement and benefits of an aligned and integrated approach to community, corporate and people strategies is embedded.

The PPMA prides itself on operating in accord with the following core values:

Passion - PPMA will be passionate about improving people management and development across public services, as well as raising the skills, profile and influence of the HR and OD professions to sustain such improvements.

Purpose - PPMA will demonstrate a clearly articulated purpose in all that it says and does, underpinned by evidence, integrity and authenticity.

Performance - PPMA will ensure that through its members, policies, products and services that the performance of public services is sustained, enhanced or improved. - See more at:


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  • Administrative & support service activities