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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation
Oxford Computer Consultants

We are a lively, growing software company based in the centre of Oxford. We have expanded from just 2 people in 1989 to over 100 today. Throughout, we have kept our interest in software that makes a useful contribution to society. We develop custom software in health, research and engineering, while our products are used to manage the delivery of social care. We will keep this emphasis in our culture as we continue to grow.

As we are growing, recruitment also is growing and we are keen to ensure that we follow the best practice in recruiting, onboarding and developing our employees. The Good Recruitment Collective will allow us to do just that as well as expand recruitment skills and knowledge within the team.

For more information on Oxford Computer Consultants and the roles they recruit for, click here.

Oxford Computer Consultants

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Business Sectors

  • Information, communication & technology