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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation
Hertfordshire County Council

We pride ourselves on our innovative approach to effective service delivery and are currently mid-way through our pioneering Transformation Programme “Council for the Future”.

We understand the value of employee engagement and were one of the first employers to adopt a radical approach to flexible working patterns. We also have an award-winning internal staff campaign “Healthy Herts”. Through this initiative we offer advice and guidance to our employees on how to boost their physical and mental wellbeing and promote a healthy work-life balance.

We have an ongoing commitment to excellence - our Learning and Organisational Development team won an HR Excellence Award for Best Learning and Development Strategy, and our Resourcing team were finalists in the PPMA, CIPD and Recruiter excellence awards for best in house recruitment team.

For more information on Hertfordshire County Council and the roles they recruit for, click here.

Hertfordshire County Council

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Business Sectors

  • Public administration & defence