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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Unlock the power of inclusive recruitment – for your business, clients and candidates

Practical guides

Beyond the digital...

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This one-day online course is designed to help frontline recruiters navigate client interactions with confidence. It will help recruiters to improve their understanding of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and build relationships with clients that lead to improved inclusion searches. ​

We know that working in recruitment can be tough, and when it comes to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) things might get a bit confusing and even daunting at times. 

After talking with our members, we noticed a few common themes: 

  • A fear of saying or doing the wrong thing, worries about getting 'cancelled' and concerns about causing offence. 
  • Diverse candidates simply aren’t applying to the roles being advertised. 
  • Small owner-operator businesses feeling overwhelmed with where to begin. 
  • Recruitment consultants developing the right skills to engage a diverse range of candidates and clients. 
  • Keeping up with rapidly shifting client expectations, including analysis of diversity data and performance expectations. 
  • Making sure recruitment businesses are diverse and inclusive organisations first; clients are examining the diversity of their supply chains and recruitment providers.

That is why we have put together this guide – to help you navigate the world of workplace equality, diversity and inclusion. We will break down what these terms mean, show you how they impact your day-to-day work as a business owner or recruiter, boost your confidence in leading EDI conversations with your teams and help you engage with underrepresented groups to make your business stronger and more future proof. 

The accompanying EDI Resource Pack offers comprehensive insights and practical guidance, equipping recruiters to champion EDI. 

It is okay if you are feeling a bit uncertain or apprehensive about this topic. The most important step you can take is to actively be part of the conversation. Do not let fear hold you back from learning more, asking questions and seeking guidance and support. Making a start is the most important thing - we are here to help.


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