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We work with over 3000 recruitment businesses and 10,500 individual recruiters to set the standard for recruitment.
Every year, our members help over 1 million people find a new permanent job, and on any given day there are 1.2 million people who are working via a recruitment business on a contract or temporary assignment. If you want to find a recruitment business that understands their obligations to you as a jobseeker, you should look for an REC member.
Every one of our members must adhere to our standards and take a compliance test to join and stay in membership.
The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) is the professional body which represents recruitment businesses in the UK. We are based in London in the UK.
Any job that we offer at the REC will appear on our own website or with a recruitment business that is one of our members. You can check recruitment businesses are members of the REC via our REC member directory.
We will never apply any direct or indirect charges in relation to any job application. Recruitment businesses in the UK are not permitted to make any charge to applicants either directly or indirectly to find work and they are not permitted to seek any fees from candidates for jobs at the REC.
We are aware that there are fraudulent adverts for job roles being placed in some countries for candidates looking for work in the UK for roles with or associated with the REC. These jobs are often for domestic work – with candidates being asked to pay different fees to apply for the job or for checks and references to be carried out.
These roles have no connection with the REC. If you see any such roles, please do not respond and do not make any payment.
If you have any questions about vacancies at the REC please contact us at info@rec.uk.com
HMRC have a guide for workers on working with umbrella companies: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-through-an-umbrella-company
You can also report compliance or potential fraud issues to HMRC anonymously using their online form: https://www.gov.uk/report-tax-fraud
The REC is proud to announce the Restart partnership, a collaboration between the REC and Maximus. At the 2020 Spending Review, the Chancellor allocated £2.9 billion for the new Restart scheme, which will give Universal Credit claimants who have been out of work due to the pandemic enhanced support to find jobs.
REC members have many benefits including: